What to do your first time in Paris

Booking a trip to Paris is exciting but a bit overwhelming, isn’t it? As the most visited city in the world, Paris is overflowing with things to do, monuments to see, and foods to eat… and they all seem important. You could spend a lifetime here and still not experience everything, so believe me when I tell you that I understand how overwhelming it can be making your Paris itinerary. That’s why I’ve put together my very long-over-due-comprehensive list of things you should do in Paris. I will include the things you should definitely do, things you should do if […]

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What It’s Like Being An Au Pair in Paris

Hello hello! 🤗 Many girls have reached out to me asking about the au pair experience, and most of them have the same questions: “How do you live on the small wage? Do you have time to travel? What are the hard parts no one talks about? Do you think I should do it?” I love answering these questions, especially if it means I can help someone understand the au pair experience better and encourage them to do something that will change their lives forever. Since I get so many of these messages I thought it would be helpful to […]

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Non-Cliché Foods You Must Eat In Paris

The number one question I get asked by people visiting Paris is also the question I used to have the hardest time answering: Can you recommend some great restaurants? This question always stumped me, in part because I haven’t even made a dent in the vast restaurant culture of Paris, but also because I am not what anyone would consider a “foodie.” I’m more like a “it tastes good and it’s here -ie.” Between living on the tight budget of an au pair and being admittedly very easily impressed by everything I eat in France (because let’s be real, the food […]

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13 French Phrases You Need to Know When Visiting Paris

Coucou everyone! Today I want to talk about the 13 key French phrases you should know if you plan on visiting Paris, and how to pronounce them. I love France and I want every single American who visits this beautiful country to have a positive experience. While I strongly disagree with the stereotype that the French dislike Americans, I will admit that a guaranteed way to make a bad impression when visiting France (or any country) is by not making an effort to learn the language. No one is expecting you to say everything perfectly, but showing you’re willing to try […]

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Since Moving to France as an Au Pair I have…

Had to sweet talk my way out of paying a €50 fine for putting my feet on the seat while on the train, due to Paris’s strict transport rules. Tasted over 15 different types of cheese, my favorite being comté. And grown accustom to eating cheese after a meal, never before. Eaten rabbit, duck, and fowl. And once learned halfway through a meal that the beef I was eating was actually horse meat! Had to vehemently insist on speaking French on dates, to the dismay of several men who were hoping I’d be their English tutor. Tasted the best dessert I […]

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How to Become an Au Pair In Paris Part 2: Getting Your Visa

Hello again and welcome to the second installment of How to Become an Au Pair in Paris! In case you missed it, you can find Part 1 here. In Part 2 we will cover the visa application process. PLEASE NOTE: You must have a valid passport in order to apply for a visa. If you don’t already have one you should do this immediately as it can take several weeks to arrive and will delay the au pair process indefinitely.  Before we get started, the biggest piece of advice I can give you is to create a bookmark folder on Google […]

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How to become an Au Pair in Paris Part 1: Find A Family

Part II available here! Becoming an Au Pair is a great way for a young person to live in a foreign country and experience life abroad, for little to no costs. But how do you start? Between all the research you have to do, finding the right family, the paperwork and immigration forms, applying for your visa, and actually making the move, the process can be daunting. But I am here to help guide you! 🤗 Have you ever dreamt of living in a foreign country? Are you itching to do something exciting before you head off to university? Are […]

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An American’s 28 Surprising Observations of Paris

My trip to Paris was the first time I’ve ever really emerged myself into a different culture and oddly enough, it was the subtle differences between our cultures that I found most interesting. I expected all the big cliche ones that are known worldwide, like the French have amazing bread and wine, but there were a ton of little things that I didn’t expect! (Read more: My first trip to Paris) So here I will summarize my observations as an American traveling solo through Paris. These are simply the things I took note of during my first trip to Paris, and […]

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My First Trip to Paris

Paris, the most visited city in the world. A person’s first time traveling is always going to be meaningful, but I felt extra affectionate towards mine. You see, I’ve studied French since 6th grade and being able to speak French has always been the one thing I can do that most people can not, and I love doing it. I was actually supposed to spend a year in France in college but it wasn’t something I could afford at the time. When I was finally able to visit Paris back in 2015 I had no idea this would be the […]

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